Studio Notes

One chapter at a time, STUDIO NOTES explores the topic of balance in our lives and our businesses. Find unexpected Creator and Founder interviews, and the Utility’s own product design stories.

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Call for interviewees

Have you got a sustainable business story? Have you made any big decisions recently to remove carbon from your fulfillment process? Or are you stuck knowing there are environmental issues with your work but find you are hitting a brick wall when searching for solutions?

Are you a founder who almost quit due to overwhelm but found your equilibrium? What did you change?

I’d love to hear about it and others would too. 

Please submit your details if you are interested in being featured in our first round of founder guest interviews. Selected interviewees will be invited to complete an online questionnaire. Guest features will be released via this website, and associated social accounts, throughout the year (interviewees will be given a chance to review their feature before it is published).

Call for creator and founder interviewees

Call for creator and founder interviewees ☝

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